Pedestrian Studies
Master Alliance has extensive experience in the planning and provision of pedestrian facilities and systems planning in urban settings which are densely populated and have high levels of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
Considerations in pedestrian systems include appropriate separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic along sidewalks and pedestrian pathways. This can be accomplished by overhead and underground pedestrian facilities, barriers and markings, as well as signalization where physical separation cannot be accomplished. The techniques are often applied in congested central city areas, near high density housing estates and around institutions such as hospitals and schools. There are, in addition, policy considerations such as means of providing safe pedestrian access to public transport services and protecting movements of school children near schools.
Master Alliance has provided numerous clients with professional services for the planning and design of bikeway systems. A wide variety of trip purposes, operator skill level, equivalent performance characteristics, intermodal connectivity, and special safety vulnerability make bikeway system planning and design a challenging task. Master Alliance has the depth of expertise needed to carry out effective and safe system planning and facility design projects in a comprehensive and cost-effective manner.